Terms and Conditions – The Perfect Wine Tours – Mendoza
(+54 9) 261 578-1616 ask@troutandwine.com

Thank you for choosing to do a tour with us.

Trout & Wine accepts your booking on the basis that stated tours have been fully described to you either by a printed itinerary ( internet bookings) or a store presentation (walk-in bookings) . Trout & wine has sold said tours having previously ensured that all wineries and/or other places designated to be visited have reserved places for us at dates/times mutually agreed upon and which have been conveyed to you. However, at times and without warning:

  1. Wineries can defer and/or cancel previously accepted reservations, due to operational and/or trade visit requirements.
  2. Adverse and spontaneous weather conditions (flash floods/hail storms) can render vehicle accessibility to some wineries impossible.
  3. Federal and/or provincial authorities can close roads, without prior warning.
  4. Infrastructural problems such as power cuts may impede, delay or cause the cancellation of a winery visit

In the rare event of any of the above, or any instance of force majeur, Trout & Wine retains the right to, and will change the  route as appropriate and will identify alterative wineries to visit, ensuring that neither the quality, or value of the tour is diminished in any way whatsoever.  Therefore, under no circumstances does Trout & Wine refund part, or all the prepaid tour price, as equal value will have been provided and the cause for change was beyond the control of Trout & Wine.

 It is the responsibility of each passenger to ensure that all personal possessions are removed from the tour vehicle at the completion of the tour at the time of being dropped off at your hotel. Items inadvertently left in the vehicle can be recovered ad collected by visiting the Trout & Wine office, located in Espejo 266 (opening hours: Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm/Saturday: 12 to 8 pm; Sunday: closed.

Valuables such as wallets, purses, money and jewelry are responsibility of the client. Trout & Wine will not be responsible for the loss of such values prior, to and after the tour.

Buying and shipping wines is not the responsibility of Trout & Wine. Wine purchases, shipments, bureaucratic and customs problems must all  be followed through the winery that sold such products.

Trout & Wine tours start and end ad the agreed time, detailed in your itinerary.

Additional stops for purchases and/or currency exchange, or transfers  not included

Are not allowed. If you need other transfers , please contact the team to schedule a new service.

 In the event that a person on tour become too ill to continue the tour and wishes to be transferred back to hotel and/or clinic Trout & Wine will arrange for the transfer at the earliest possible moment and at its cost. Under no circumstances will Trout & Wine refund any part of the prepaid tour price.

Trout & Wine always tries top ensure that our clients receive personal tours of each winery with small groups. However we cannot guarantee that the chosen wineries accept only our group for a tour and there may be other outside parties joining the visit. Trout & Wine does it`s very best to avoid crowded wineries but small, exclusive group visits are not guaranteed, especially on weekends and holidays.

Change of wineries or tours can be requested at no adittional cost up to 7 days before the first day of tour originally scheduled.

A Client is entitled to a full refund (minus any payment charges) if he/she should cancel 24 hours before the tour pick up time. There is no refund for tours cancelled within this 24-hour limit.

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